Hello Everyone. Once again, it’s Mir Faisal Talpur with my monthly blog. Today I am going to share with you something that I have discovered over a period of time while running my businesses and as you can imagine, just like anybody who gets into business, It wasn’t easy to figure things out myself, I started from scratch, literally from ZERO and build my businesses one by one over a period of 13 years. What that means is that you almost go through all different kinds of challenges and problems and difficulties before you start to find stable ground in your business. Right! That’s a classic example of not having somebody by your side who is mentoring you, coaching you, helping you and we all know that’s not the best route to take. Unfortunately, I did not have much of a choice. However, that’s by the by, that’s history. Let me share with you something which I’ve been meaning to share for some time, and that is the formula that most of the successful entrepreneurs follow? the formula for You will be amazed to know It’s an extremely simple formula, it’s not difficult and it’s not rocket science. The formula itself is easy but following it, executing it or rather implementing it is what people find slightly hard. Right! So, this is what smart entrepreneurs do. First and foremost, smart entrepreneurs never think that they are smart, they’re always willing to learn, they’re always soaking information and not only just absorbing information but to reveal real results they implement and deploy. It’s worth repeating, whatever they learn they implement and deploy and then they see whether that’s working for them or not, and they keep on tweaking, changing and amending until it does, they make it their mission to ensure that it works for them. So that’s the first most important thing to consider. The real hidden success comes from making it work for you and perfecting the trick. But more importantly, now let’s move to the formula. So here are three things that a smart entrepreneur or a successful entrepreneur does to keep or make his business almost everlasting, that’s evergreen, sustainable, and profitable and that’s where you see a lot of ups and downs come. Some of these entrepreneurs, businessmen and women, stay strong that is because they keep themselves in check. Let me put this into an analogy. Just imagine if you are a business person you are the captain of a ship. Now imagine you are responsible for getting the ship through treacherous conditions, through treacherous waters, through sea storms, no matter what the conditions are, you are meant to be getting that ship from A to B, to its desired destination. In the world of entrepreneurship, there is no doubt then, that you’re the captain of your ship. Since you are the captain, you’ve got everybody else following you, but you are not following anybody, you are ahead of the game and the buck stops at you. The most important thing that the entrepreneurs, the smart ones especially, do is that they always keep themselves in check. They are practical, they are logical, and they are rational about their decision making. What I mean by that is that they never think that they know it all. They never think they are too smart. They never think that whatever they are doing and whatever they are thinking is always right and that is extremely important because as humans, we are prone to making mistakes. I’ll give you a small example of my own company: I have several businesses and I’ve got staff in four different countries and every single person who works for me, even if that person has been appointed in my company as the youngest person. Sometimes we have apprentices, we train people, even a 21, 22 year old is given the right in my company to challenge me directly. Although I’m the final authority, I’m the final word. They don’t need to, but it is an intentional move on my part to tell them that listen, I want you to challenge me and question me because I know they are coming from a very different perspective that’s fresh. I, on the other hand, may have a tunnel vision and may be used to doing things the old way. Even if I think I know everything, even though I’ve gone through a lot of experiences, I can always add my experience afterwards. But let me listen to what the man or what the woman has to say. It’s extremely important, right? that perspective, that fresh thinking is always needed. For an entrepreneur, he needs to know what he is doing is right or wrong. So it is extremely important for him or her to keep themselves in check. That is quality number one and that’s one of the most important things that a successful entrepreneur does. The second most important thing is that they keep their business in check. What do I mean by that? I just gave you an analogy of you as the captain of a ship. So if you’re the captain, the ship is your business. And again, as I mentioned, you are responsible for making sure that you are getting the ship right from A to B successfully making sure everybody on board that ship is going to survive that journey successfully and that’s where you are playing the role of the captain. Your business is the ship and basically, you have got to make sure that your ship is sailing in the right direction. That is your responsibility as an entrepreneur. Now, if the ship is set to sail for position A and you end up going into a different direction altogether, the onus is on you, right? The buck stops at you and hence you have got to make sure that the ship, as in your business, is going exactly in the direction that it’s meant to be going in. Now, let’s move to the third quality and the most important quality as well. You as a business are part of an environment: the business environment, this means everything influences you, for example, Economic Environment, Technological Environment, Social Environment, Demographic Environment and a Few Others. The general environment of an organisation is made up of vital components such as economic, technological, social, demographic, political and legal and global forces. This is the environment your business is part of and operates in, you are not over and above the environment, even if you are a big company, you are still a very small part of that big environment. Now in my analogy of the ship and the captain, the environment becomes the sea, and you have to make sure that you choose to sail through calm waters, what I mean by this is that you have to be certain that the markets are in your favour. What does it mean to keep in check with the markets? The very need and the value of the product or service that you’re providing in the market should not decrease, it should not diminish. It should still be there. If anything, it should increase and if you feel that particular need is going down, it’s diminishing. It’s vanishing then you have a big problem at hand. This is the reason why a lot of businesses go out of business. You have to make sure that you are keeping up with the markets. In my analogy, you’re making sure that while your ship is sailing through the sea, the sea is in your favour, even if it isn’t, you need to know how to be able to steer the ship to safety. As an entrepreneur, these are the three most important things, you have to keep in mind. So once again, the successful entrepreneurs, 1) keep themselves in check 2) keep their business in check 3) keep the markets in check. If you are doing these three things right, Keeping yourself in check, keeping your business in check, keeping your markets in check, there is no reason why your business is going to go down and there are all the more reasons that your business will flourish and grow exponentially, simply because you are making sure that you are on top of things. You are making sure that you are in control. You are making sure you are in tune with the markets and making sure you are adapting and changing to reflect markets needs and requirements. You are making sure you have taken the command. Plus, you’re always also making sure that you are not being stubborn about it, you are not being complacent about it since you are making a point that others keep you on track as well. I would say as entrepreneurs we need that. We need the support system around us to make sure that we are being guided in the right direction. If we digress or if we are too diverse, that can be lethal for our business, it can be fatal for our business. I hope this blog has added some value. I hope I have got my message across and it has made some sense. please share this blog/video, if you can think of anybody who can benefit from this. I make these videos/blogs/podcasts to help entrepreneurs and the business community. I love to share my knowledge and experiences to benefit those who need it most. So please help me spread the word. Share it. It doesn’t cost you too much. Certainly isn’t costing me. You are more than welcome to put your comments at the bottom of this blog as to whether you liked it or not. If you want me to talk about a particular topic, please let me know, I and my team are checking social media messages all the time. Lastly, please make sure you subscribe to my YouTube Channel and podcast /Sound Cloud/Apple Podcast so that you can get notified for the next upcoming videos/podcasts. Thanks very much. Adios.“What creates everlasting businesses”.
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